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A member registered May 04, 2017

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that might certainly help, but I played other games like Dayz, Infestation:the new Z, Romero Aftermath with no difficulties, why dont you try doing what they do, this might actually help many others?

Ping, nothing else. Lets see if this get resolved any time sooner, my network is like it doesnt load anything while the game is on a idle state, most probably game starting screen or match making screens.

actually its much better, U dont even have to pay a single $ just see take an experience, do support the game if you like it. ^^

and yes, I cant run the game myself cause of some network difficulties (-.-!)

(1 edit)

thanks for the quick reply, I live in india, my most best working servers are EU which are between 200-250 ping, btw I play Overwatch with the same ping with no lag. Are there any restrictions you put that dont let me enter?

Alright I downloaded the game, everything gone good, I have a 3.2 mbps signal. The thing is, I cant get into any server, it says click on the server to join, I keep on clicking and nothing happens. Any resolve?